Greater Sacramento is on the rise—and the Greater Sacramento Economic Council promoted the growth and development opportunities available in the greater Sacramento region at the 2017 Disrupt SF Tech Crunch convention by providing startups with the opportunity to create a free pitch video. The pitch videos were shared via Greater Sacramento Economic Council’s website, social media, and directly provided to the individual startups for their own personal use. Greater Sacramento’s Runway Pitch ran for the full duration of the convention in Startup Alley, with a video booth branded for the Greater Sacramento Economic Council.
Completed with creative direction by PorterCo Agency.
To customize the engagement experience of Greater Sacramento’s Runway Pitch, the graphics created for the event played off of the current Extend Your Runway campaign. The benefits of the greater Sacramento region provide businesses with a unique opportunity to “extend” their reach beyond the resources available in other regions of the state and country—to keep with the theme of the event, the graphics on the video booth imply a ramp which extends in all directions.

Designed and developed for the existing Wordpress site to feature the pitch videos created at the event. Videos were uploaded and embedded to the website via Youtube with social sharing links throughout the duration of the event.