To promote the Senior Film Showcase presented by the Sacramento State Film Department, the class of students and their professor sought to emphasize the creative process in their film work while presenting a positive and professional impression for potential employers. The campaign included a poster for on campus promotion and trifold show program for distribution at the event.
11"x17" POSTER
While most film work today is captured digitally, filmmakers and film students acknowledge the roots of the industry by continuing to reference the terminology and aesthetics of past techniques. With this in mind, the artwork was composed with digital scans of theatrical film reels. The markers, clips, and handwritten notations speak to the hands-on collaboration and catalytic energy required to successfully complete a film piece.
The show program covered a broad range of student pieces from documentaries and dramas to comedic self-reflection. The typography and color palette were chosen to relate the diversity of the assemblage—sans serif titles in Helvetica Neue paired with serif body text in Merriweather, and highly saturated accent colors applied on neutral backgrounds.